As we enter 2025, we see so many places where challenges and potential solutions don’t have borders (geographical or by issue area). From biodiversity loss and climate change to infectious disease and information integrity, what happens in one part of the world affects others. Just as advances or challenges to one issue impact others. Democratic principles, such as freedom of expression, open and honest government, and protecting human rights, advance issues from clean water and Indigenous land rights to women’s health and safe work environments. Environmental health from forest health to air quality—alter everything, from food security and natural disaster prevention to chronic disease and economic equity. Similarly, public health—from health care access to the removal of toxins from communities—influences everything, from economic vitality to life expectancy. And just as innovations and solutions cross geographic borders, so do challenges.

At Metropolitan Group and our sister company Impacto Social Metropolitan Group (MG/ISMG), we are privileged to support and collaborate with leaders in the public, nonprofit, philanthropic, and private sectors who are working to address these global challenges. We are working with leaders and communities in over 20 countries, strengthening civic space and the people’s voice on issues that impact them, advancing responsive government, bolstering public health and well-being, accelerating biodiversity conservation, addressing climate impacts, countering misinformation, fighting corruption, standing for human rights, and fostering inclusive economies. We see the potential power and opportunity to increase social change by supporting connections at the intersections of issues and facilitating learning from different countries and cultures.

We are excited to share tools, models, learnings and stories from this work and to invite conversation and collaboration. We invite you to visit and access the resources on our Addressing Global Challenges page.

We look forward to learning, collaborating and working with you in 2025 and beyond to address global challenges.

Metropolitan Group tiene una compañía hermana con sede en la Ciudad de México. Impacto Social Metropolitan Group